
PassionateGaming news

Recent League Matches

Clutch Prodigies League
-=[DmK]=- vs. WhatElse (-=[DmK]=- won 5 – 4) (Jan 16)
Clutch Champions League
-cE- vs. -]iFS[- (-]iFS[- won 8 – 1) (Jan 15)
1v1 iDuel Ladder
Locomotive vs. Mac (Mac won 120 – 84) (Jan 1)
5v5 iCTF Ladder
-cE- vs. -]iFS[- (-]iFS[- won 8 – 4) (Dec 17)
4v4 iDOM Ladder
-=[DmK]=- vs. fout (-=[DmK]=- won 662 – 654) (Dec 17)

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