
What is ClutchNight ?

What is ClutchNight ?

Tired of mass defence ? Try ClutchNight. Read the rules below or ask JeRoMe^- on PG Discord.


ClutchNight is going to be a league of X teams. Every team will play against each other once. The rules are:

1.2s delay at start

3 minutes total game time

OT spawn delay kicks in right away (or 1s into OT)

OT Spawn Delay then increases every minute by 1s

Every maps of the map list will be played. A match can end 7 maps won / 6 maps lost. 

The team that has won the most maps at the end of the league will be the ClutchChampion. 

In case of a draw, the team that has won the most maps in that duel will be on top.

Posted on May 9th, 2024

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Cup information

Admin Team
Supervisor JeRoMe^
1st matchweek May 27th, 2024
Current stage Completed


Map list  

  • Acrony
  • Anfractuous
  • Command
  • Duku
  • Grudge
  • Iztac
  • Klondike
  • Nuance
  • Overflow
  • Rune
  • Sprinta

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