
Clutch Prodigies League

WHAT IS CLUTCH champions league?

Clutch Leagues is going to be 2 leagues of 4 teams each. Every team per division will play against each other once. The rules are:

1.2s delay at start

5 minutes total game time

OT spawn delay kicks in right away (or 1s into OT)

OT Spawn Delay then increases every minute by 1s

The team that has won the most maps at the end of the league will be the Clutch Champion. 

In case of a draw, the team that has won the most maps in that duel will be on top.


  • CTF-Acrony-RE1
  • CTF-Anfractuous-RE2
  • CTF-BrokenLimits-RE3
  • CTF-Command-S6
  • CTF-Duku-S6
  • CTF-Grudge-RE1
  • CTF-IztacB14
  • CTF-Klondike-S6
  • CTF-Mesmerize-RE2
  • CTF-Nuance99-RE3
  • CTF-Overflow-RTE2
  • CTF-RankinB11
  • CTF-Rune-RTE4
  • CTF-Sprinta-S6
  • CTF-Switchback-RC7


  1. A team is made of 7 players max.
  2. No subbing, no trade. Once commited to a team, a player can't play for another.


  1. All matches must be played with cup settings on servers sanctioned by PassionateGaming.
  2. Captains are encouraged to agree on a server before the match - when scheduling the match, before the match day. Once the match is scheduled, team captains have the ability to book their desired server for the match on the My Matches tab of the league page on the website.
  3. If no servers are booked for the match, admins will assign a server based on which ones are available after consulting with the captains involved in the match.
  4. Whilst we will do our best to provide the best and fairest server available for the match, it may not always be possible and a compromise will have to be reached.
  5. If a match involves a team made up mainly of players from North America and South America, the match may be played across two servers (an UK and an NA based server).  To decide which maps are played on what server, the EU team will pick a map that will be played on EU server, then the NA team will pick a map that will be played on NA server, then EU again etc. Once all maps have a server, team will go on EU or NA server and play all their map picks in a row to avoid server changes after every map. 


  • 1 group with all the teams.
  • every team plays against each other
  • No Draws
  • Every map win counts as 1 point
  • Map Selection: Map list is made of 15 maps, a match is 9 maps.
    coin toss to know who starts then:
    A pick map#1, B pick map#2, A pick map#3, B pick map#4, A pick map#5, B pick map#6, A pick map #7, B pick map#8.
    For the 9th map, the team that capped LEAST will start banning.
    LeastCappingTeam ban map#9, MostCappingTeam ban map#10, LeastCappingTeam ban map#11, MostCappingTeam ban map#12, LeastCappingTeam ban map#13, MostCappingTeam bans map#14 so they technically get to choose the final map. 
    If both team are tied in number of caps, then its the initial cointoss winner that decides who ban first.
  • Games between EU vs. NA are only allowed on NY and UK


  1. There is no playoff. The team that has won the most maps is declared the Clutch Champion.
  2. Rankings will be based on the number of total map won for each team. 


  1. This is open schedule. Nothing will be forced, unless near the planned ending of the cup, mid-february.
  2. Team captains are encouraged to schedule their matches on their own using the Challenging functionality on My Matches tab of the League page on the website.


  1. Team captains are encouraged to enter/confirm results of their matches on their own using the button on My Matches tab of the League page on the website.
  2. If for some reason the results cannot be entered on the website, screenshots of the match should be provided to the cup admins via Discord.


  1. All players are required to be present on the PassionateGaming Discord server. During matches it is mandatory to connect to and use your team’s provided voice channel on the PG Discord server.


  1. All players must record a first-person demo on all maps. There is no valid excuse for not recording a demo of your game. If you don't know how to or yours is 'broken', contact an admin or your captain for help.
  2. Players must keep their demos for the duration of the entire cup and can be requested from any match up to two weeks after their team has played their last game.
  3. An admin not participating in the match has the right to request as many demos as they want.
  4. Cheating accusations will be reviewed and ruled on by an anti-cheat team.
  5. Admins may request that a player uploads all demos for the entire duration of the season.
  6. If a player refuses or fails to upload demos when requested, it will result in a forfeit loss of each map a demo is not provided for.
  7. The opposing team may request demos no later than seven days after the match.
  8. If demos have been requested, they have to be provided within 48 hours after the request. If they are not provided within this time limit, it will result in a forfeit loss.


  1. A team must have their entire team in the server and clicked in to be eligible to start the timer to claim a no show. Once they have done this the opposing team has 2 minutes to click in before they default the map.
  2. If the first map is lost in this manner, as soon as the second map is loaded and the team click in, the timer will begin for the second map, to which the other team has another 2 minutes to enter the server and click in.
  3. Teams are encouraged to show some tolerance in an effort to get all matches in the cup played where possible and not look for easy map wins.


  1. The only people allowed to spectate matches are PassionateGaming admins and members of the stream team. It goes without saying that if someone is spectating, they are not allowed to have any communications with the teams that are playing.
  2. Unless commentating on the match during a live stream, it is forbidden for a member of either team involved in said match to join as a spectator. This will result in a forfeit of the map in question.


The admin staff will abide by this ruleset as closely as possible, however some deviation may be needed if any unpredictable scenarios arise.

In the event that something not covered by this ruleset occurs, the admins reserve the right to use their discretion to solve the issue. This includes, but is not limited to, amending and changing rules if the need arises. Any changes or new rules will apply to those situations from that point on setting a precedent.

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