
1v1 iDuel Ladder

Joined on 2023-09-08

Rank Rating Played Win Loss Draw MW ML HP NP S
10 1,026 25 11 14 0 30 38 0 0

Upcoming Matches

Date / Time Opponent Info

Played Matches

Date / Time Opponent Us Them Points Info
01/12/2024 12:30 Locomotive 106 86 +21
01/12/2024 11:30 Locomotive 112 80 +76
14/07/2024 15:30 Mac 47 57 -66
29/03/2024 12:30 ruthless#5650 43 60 -38
09/03/2024 13:15 Mac 58 57 +83
17/02/2024 15:15 ispyz 40 60 -27
21/01/2024 20:00 wdn 32 60 -21
21/01/2024 14:00 Panda 60 53 +79
30/12/2023 21:15 k2 60 44 +44
30/12/2023 19:30 faktor 51 58 -40
19/12/2023 19:15 Mac 96 117 -52
18/11/2023 17:45 HuMPTY 44 59 -69
08/11/2023 21:45 xtreme 106 103 +89
08/11/2023 21:00 yk 107 118 -34
05/11/2023 13:15 Boltronics 56 60 -73
04/11/2023 21:00 wdn 112 180 -71
27/10/2023 20:00 vegitzuuu 60 51 +18
22/10/2023 19:00 Horror 60 41 +52
22/10/2023 19:00 Murder 60 44 +46
01/10/2023 22:45 wdn 89 115 -32
30/09/2023 20:00 PsykØ 117 97 +42
16/09/2023 18:30 Monster 57 47 +78
16/09/2023 18:00 bung 27 60 -23
10/09/2023 21:00 xtreme 54 60 -26
08/09/2023 23:45 tOLOzZ 56 57 -30

Ladder information

Quick Overview
Players 39
Active players 21
Matches >30 days 2
Matches total 39
Rank 1 record 449 days
Record holder bung
Admin Team
Supervisor Decl

Ladder Leader

Rank 1 for 14 days
Match stats 6 played
6 won
0 draw
0 loss
Last 30 days 0 matches

Recent Matches

Sunday, Dec 1
Locomotive vs. DM (DM won 106 – 86)
DM vs. Locomotive (DM won 112 – 80)
Sunday, Jul 14
DM vs. Mac (Mac won 57 – 47)
Friday, Mar 29
ruthless#5650 vs. DM (ruthless#5650 won 60 – 43)
ruthless#5650 vs. xtreme (xtreme won 60 – 32)
Saturday, Mar 9
DM vs. Mac (DM won 58 – 57)
Saturday, Feb 17
ispyz vs. DM (ispyz won 60 – 40)

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