
Registered Teams

Team name Tag Country Created
Fallback 0nly (draft team) f0. United States of America 2024-10-20
Fantasic 4 (draft team) F4 United Kingdom 2024-01-14
Fantastic 5 (draft team) F5 United Kingdom 2023-04-16
Fara's Angels FA| United States of America 2022-09-01
Fara's Angels (draft team) FA| United States of America 2024-01-14
Fara's Angels (draft team) FA| United States of America 2023-10-08
Fara's Angels (draft team) FA| United States of America 2023-04-16
Fara's Angels (draft team) FA| United States of America 2023-01-08
fast$exygreat (draft team) [F$G] Maldives 2024-03-24
Fear The Clan (FT) Europe 2024-04-11
Finest of UT fout Europe 2023-10-18
Flawless Victory (draft team) ||=\// United States of America 2023-04-16
FR3UNDE $CHLACHT3N G3GN3R (draft team) [F$G] Germany 2023-01-08
Fragging Doses FD Europe 2023-10-26
Freak Circus -FC.- Seychelles 2023-10-17
French Connection FC France 2024-03-12
fucknoodle (draft team) noodle United States of America 2022-04-24
Total: 17

Clutch Leagues

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iDOM Draft '25

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