
Registered Teams

Team name Tag Country Created
underworld Preachers -=[uP]* Portugal 2023-10-29
unexpected mix (draft team) .umx Faroe Islands 2024-01-14
UnreadyToDominate (draft team) *Un2d* Greece 2025-01-12
unreal Domination (draft team) -uD- Honduras 2024-01-14
unreal Empires ~-uE-~ Europe 2023-03-09
unreal Empires (draft team) ~-uE-~ Europe 2023-04-16
Unreal Tournament Hungary uTh Hungary 2024-02-12
Unstoppable Force (draft team) [UF] Canada 2023-10-08
UT With PlaYFuL UTWP Europe 2023-10-25
Total: 9

saCTF Draft '25

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