
Registered Teams

Team name Tag Country Created
Xtremes Only Friends (draft team) xof Sao Tome And Principe 2025-01-12
Goulash & Pretzels (draft team) -GaP- Hungary 2025-01-12
Four of a kind (draft team) x4 Europe 2025-01-12
IDOM (draft team) IDOM Christmas Island 2025-01-12
I Dom Heroes (draft team) -[IDH]- Netherlands 2025-01-12
Would Prefer SDOM (draft team) SDOM United Kingdom 2025-01-12
=OUTSIDERZ= (draft team) =oZ= Hungary 2025-01-12
Team Phantom (draft team) -Tp- Netherlands 2025-01-12
Fara's Angels (draft team) FA| United States of America 2025-01-12
No Name (draft team) NN Norway 2025-01-12
dedemo. (draft team) dedemo. United States of America 2025-01-12
Snail Pace (draft team) _@|'' United States of America 2025-01-12
[G]lory [!]s [N]othing (draft team) G!N Northern Mariana Islands 2025-01-12
Coccobongos (draft team) b0ng* Norway 2025-01-12
UnreadyToDominate (draft team) *Un2d* Greece 2025-01-12
APT. (draft team) -APT United States of America 2025-01-12
Team bolty idk Benelux 2025-01-06
wired .w/ North America 2024-12-23
[Noxious Onslaught Venom Aleco] [NOVA] Austria 2024-12-18
WhatElse WhatElse Europe 2024-12-17
cat enjoyers -cE- Europe 2024-12-15
Team x4 x4. Europe 2024-12-03
Island of Misfits *<] Christmas Island 2024-11-29
Reapers Reaper. Cayman Islands 2024-11-19
how 2 walldodge? HOW? North America 2024-11-14
I'll do it tomorrow cba Montenegro 2024-11-13
La Famiglia Ex Machina Internacional ex-fam Europe 2024-11-12
Guaranteed Team implosion (draft team) GTi United Kingdom 2024-10-20
BRICK FUCKIN WALL (draft team) [=BFW=] Canada 2024-10-20
Menace 2 Society (draft team) Mt$ Europe 2024-10-20
Interracial stonedstation (draft team) ISS Afghanistan 2024-10-20
oG Team (draft team) oG. Angola 2024-10-20
Team HuMPTY (draft team) HuMPTY United Kingdom 2024-10-20
Balds out of control (draft team) -boo Virgin Islands (US) 2024-10-20
Revival (draft team) Rx Portugal 2024-10-20
Snail Squad (draft team) _@ United States of America 2024-10-20
Team x4 (draft team) x4 Europe 2024-10-20
NOVA (draft team) NOVA Syria 2024-10-20
Guns of Mercy (draft team) [GoM] United Kingdom 2024-10-20
Fallback 0nly (draft team) f0. United States of America 2024-10-20
Glory is Nothing (draft team) G!N Europe 2024-10-20
-=[Dreun meer Konten]=- (draft team) -=[DmK]=- Netherlands 2024-10-20
twi$ted M1ND$ (draft team) tM Isle of Man 2024-10-20
LOST THE TRADE (draft team) LTT~ Antarctica 2024-10-20
WhatElse (draft team) WhatElse Christmas Island 2024-10-20
Skibidi Sigma Grindset (draft team) Boltronics Indonesia 2024-10-20
Porto (draft team) PrT Portugal 2024-10-20
Powerhouse (draft team) ph Canada 2024-05-26
Clutch meer Konten (draft team) -=[CmK]=- Europe 2024-05-26
Point and Click (draft team) PaC United Kingdom 2024-05-26
Reapers (draft team) Reapers United Kingdom 2024-05-26
Good luck have fun! (draft team) gl.hf! Hungary 2024-05-26
|NN| (draft team) NN Norway 2024-05-26
Team slipz (draft team) Team slipz United States of America 2024-05-26
Menace II Society (draft team) Mt$ Europe 2024-05-26
Not So Clutch (draft team) nsc Thailand 2024-05-26
-]iFS.draft[- (draft team) -]iFS[- Europe 2024-05-26
Team PrT (draft team) Team PrT Portugal 2024-05-26
BUMBACLAAT (draft team) BBC| United Kingdom 2024-05-26
HUNinstall .hu| Hungary 2024-05-08
Deaod Ruined UT .dRU Isle of Man 2024-05-03
Worms -=[W]* Portugal 2024-04-27
PowerRangers PoWerR Europe 2024-04-23
Fear The Clan (FT) Europe 2024-04-11
with love (draft team) heart United States of America 2024-04-07
Insta Worriers (draft team) iW- United States of America 2024-04-07
Athje's beer belly Alliance (draft team) -AbbA- Netherlands 2024-04-07
Ghostbusters (draft team) .gb Norway 2024-04-07
Dark Circuit (draft team) .-. Portugal 2024-04-07
Doggy Chippy Chaps (draft team) woof* Europe 2024-04-07
Gibbing Guardians (draft team) [GG] United Kingdom 2024-04-07
Independent Butchers (draft team) -]iB[- Netherlands 2024-04-07
Killing for Chicken (draft team) KFC Netherlands 2024-04-07
Good luck have fun! (draft team) gl.hf! Hungary 2024-04-07
Decepticons (draft team) {D} Europe 2024-04-07
Garbage Collectors (draft team) ~gC Belgium 2024-04-07
Meme United (draft team) m* United Kingdom 2024-03-24
What Else (draft team) WhatElse Europe 2024-03-24
-=TheFive=- (draft team) -=TF=- Europe 2024-03-24
virtual pizza boosters (draft team) vpb Europe 2024-03-24
fast$exygreat (draft team) [F$G] Maldives 2024-03-24
Intentionally Fishing Silver (draft team) IFS Portugal 2024-03-24
.exe (draft team) .exe Croatia 2024-03-24
Chitas (draft team) uC United Kingdom 2024-03-24
Lesbian Dopeheads on Mopeds! (draft team) LDM United States of America 2024-03-24
No One (draft team) No1 Portugal 2024-03-24
Last Clan Ever :LaCE: Scandinavia 2024-03-15
DoJaJa (O)(O) Croatia 2024-03-13
French Connection FC France 2024-03-12
Deaod Deaod Germany 2024-03-04
Sinister [SiN] Andorra 2024-02-26
Unreal Tournament Hungary uTh Hungary 2024-02-12
iDOM Meer Keypoints (draft team) iDmK Europe 2024-01-14
yo mamma (draft team) ym Sao Tome And Principe 2024-01-14
putzes police department (draft team) *PPD* Guatemala 2024-01-14
TopGun (draft team) |TopG| Bahamas 2024-01-14
unexpected mix (draft team) .umx Faroe Islands 2024-01-14
unreal Domination (draft team) -uD- Honduras 2024-01-14
Get Down (draft team) Gd! Netherlands 2024-01-14
Gibbin Goons (draft team) .gg Netherlands 2024-01-14
Fantasic 4 (draft team) F4 United Kingdom 2024-01-14
25th Anniversary (draft team) 25th Europe 2024-01-14
Fara's Angels (draft team) FA| United States of America 2024-01-14
No Name (draft team) NN Norway 2024-01-14
outsiderZ (draft team) oZ Hungary 2024-01-14
Team Panda (draft team) TP Germany 2024-01-14
Scuffed idom Team (draft team) SiT Europe 2024-01-14
Ready To Dominate (draft team) ~r2d~ Greece 2024-01-14
Žádnej Klan >ZK< Czech Republic 2023-11-15
OUTSIDERZ =oZ= Hungary 2023-11-06
underworld Preachers -=[uP]* Portugal 2023-10-29
Fragging Doses FD Europe 2023-10-26
UT With PlaYFuL UTWP Europe 2023-10-25
Latinos gang bang Latinos North America 2023-10-24
Top Kek kek. Europe 2023-10-20
violence vio Russian Federation 2023-10-19
deadLine DDL Portugal 2023-10-19
Portugal pt Portugal 2023-10-18
Finest of UT fout Europe 2023-10-18
Freak Circus -FC.- Seychelles 2023-10-17
social Distancing -sD. Europe 2023-10-16
Porto PrT Portugal 2023-10-16
Logitech Wheelers G. Europe 2023-10-15
Murderer Beasts (draft team) ~MB. Portugal 2023-10-08
Duck hunters (draft team) Dh Dominican Republic 2023-10-08
Unstoppable Force (draft team) [UF] Canada 2023-10-08
Independent Butchers (draft team) -]iB[- Netherlands 2023-10-08
In For Silver (draft team) -IFS- United States of America 2023-10-08
Psycho Aiming Persona Elites (draft team) >>PAPE<< Netherlands 2023-10-08
Fara's Angels (draft team) FA| United States of America 2023-10-08
Team Murder (draft team) .pro// United States of America 2023-10-08
mercy rule (draft team) Mr. Canada 2023-10-08
Art of Slaughter (draft team) /\()$ Vatican City (Holy See) 2023-10-08
Banko‘s Drug Emporium (draft team) bde United States of America 2023-09-24
eXtinho (draft team) ex Bahamas 2023-09-24
WhatElse (draft team) WhatElse Europe 2023-09-24
onehit (draft team) ]1H[~ Isle of Man 2023-09-24
The Fen1x Flock (draft team) F1F^ Romania 2023-09-24
/deadpig (draft team) PiG Seychelles 2023-09-24
Welcome to the Tournament (draft team) <3 United Kingdom 2023-09-24
Keyboard Goblins (draft team) kG* United States of America 2023-09-24
xtreme Sexy (draft team) xS~ Europe 2023-09-24
Raw Beefs (draft team) RA\\' Benelux 2023-09-24
offensive Gaming -[oG]- Yemen 2023-09-12
GIGACHADS GIGACHAD Europe 2023-09-09
eXtinction eX` Europe 2023-09-09
Psycho Aiming Persona Elites >>PAPE<< Netherlands 2023-04-19
Neddys With Attitude (draft team) [NWA] United States of America 2023-04-16
unpredictable (draft team) /:U:\ Isle of Man 2023-04-16
draftLine (draft team) draftLine Portugal 2023-04-16
Alliance (draft team) -A* Zimbabwe 2023-04-16
pure - As 1 Rule us and 1 for Another (draft team) pure Europe 2023-04-16
Team Ramen (draft team) \_/TR\_/ United States of America 2023-04-16
me?no. (draft team) me?no. Åland Islands 2023-04-16
Keyboard Goblins (draft team) kG~ United States of America 2023-04-16
router pissers (draft team) //rp. Turkey 2023-04-16
Flawless Victory (draft team) ||=\// United States of America 2023-04-16
DmX4. (draft team) DmX4 Europe 2023-04-16
rest easy (draft team) -re| Europe 2023-04-16
Team Vyper (draft team) LagT Chile 2023-04-16
Renegades (draft team) R' Portugal 2023-04-16
Fara's Angels (draft team) FA| United States of America 2023-04-16
Fantastic 5 (draft team) F5 United Kingdom 2023-04-16
unreal Empires (draft team) ~-uE-~ Europe 2023-04-16
Psycho Aiming Persona Elites (draft team) >>PAPE<< Netherlands 2023-04-16
Team kekz ???? (draft team) no tag Niger 2023-04-16
Team crispy! (draft team) -tc\\- Canada 2023-04-16
unreal Empires ~-uE-~ Europe 2023-03-09
Cannon Fodder (draft team) -cf.- Bahamas 2023-01-08
Sub/dom (draft team) s/d Sao Tome And Principe 2023-01-08
FR3UNDE $CHLACHT3N G3GN3R (draft team) [F$G] Germany 2023-01-08
Team deft (draft team) [Ð] United States of America 2023-01-08
Electric Space Sheep (draft team) ess| Europe 2023-01-08
rest easy (draft team) -re| United Kingdom 2023-01-08
Elite Fraggers (draft team) -=EF- United States of America 2023-01-08
Team «X» (draft team) «X» United Kingdom 2023-01-08
Fara's Angels (draft team) FA| United States of America 2023-01-08
Revolution (draft team) <[R]> United States of America 2023-01-08
Tètè Sniper Familia TsF.| Italy 2022-09-17
Team synergy \\synergy North America 2022-09-17
x4 Crew x4 Europe 2022-09-09
Fara's Angels FA| United States of America 2022-09-01
Definitely Not deadLine deadLine Portugal 2022-08-20
holybitches holy South Korea 2022-08-16
Ex Machina ex-m Portugal 2022-08-16
insane Fragging Squad -]iFS[- Europe 2022-08-16
siege bois sb- Europe 2022-08-15
Rather Play Duku (draft team) RPD Europe 2022-04-24
Seriously Extreme Xtreme (draft team) [sex] United States of America 2022-04-24
aespa (draft team) æspa\\* South Korea 2022-04-24
Improbable Immediate Flag Extraction (draft team) IIFE() Sao Tome And Principe 2022-04-24
fucknoodle (draft team) noodle United States of America 2022-04-24
Demons of Dispatch (draft team) -=DoD=- Netherlands 2022-04-24
Team D-Mich (draft team) D- Belgium 2022-04-24
Team x4`unreal (draft team) Tx20 Russian Federation 2022-04-24
Team UwU (draft team) uwu` Europe 2022-04-24
TURN OFF PLS (draft team) TOP>_< Europe 2022-04-24
Beer Is Great! (draft team) [BIG]- Austria 2022-04-24
Passionate Zoo (draft team) Zoo| Åland Islands 2022-04-24
Old but Gold (draft team) ]-ObG-[ Netherlands 2022-04-24
~Killing !nsta Peasants~ (draft team) ~k!p~ United Kingdom 2022-04-24
KurWa (draft team) KurWa. Portugal 2022-04-24
The Backstabbers (draft team) =TB= Vatican City (Holy See) 2022-04-24
NETWORK ELITE WARRIORS n3w Europe 2022-04-19
STRAK STRAK| Europe 2022-04-01
Menace II Society Mt$ Europe 2022-03-30
Team Estonia EST Estonia 2022-03-29
Dreun Meer Konten -=[DmK]=- Europe 2022-03-28
«X» «X» United Kingdom 2022-03-28
Total: 209

saCTF Draft '25

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