
5v5 iCTF Ladder




Date / Time Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 23:45
Type Ladder match
Status Completed
-sD. 4 – 3 PrT
-sD. 13 – 1 PrT

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Ladder information

Quick Overview
Teams 23
Active teams 13
Matches >30 days 0
Matches total 18
Rank 1 record 286 days
Record holder -]iFS[-
Admin Team
Supervisor Decl

Ladder Leader

insane Fragging Squad
Rank 1 for 286 days
Match stats 4 played
4 won
0 draw
0 loss
Last 30 days 0 matches

Recent Matches

Sunday, Mar 10
fout vs. uTh (uTh won 13 – 9)
Saturday, Mar 9
uTh vs. ~-uE-~ (uTh won 24 – 3)
fout vs. uTh (fout won 12 – 7)
Friday, Mar 8
uTh vs. ~-uE-~ (~-uE-~ won 9 – 6)
Tuesday, Mar 5
uTh vs. ~-uE-~ (uTh won 13 – 5)
Sunday, Mar 3
-]iFS[- vs. -FC.- (-]iFS[- won 8 – 6)

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